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Elchin Payami
Born in 1987, Iran
Courses in Visual Arts, 1994-2009
B.S. Electronics in 2011, Tehran
M.S. IT in 2020, Tehran

Elchin is a painter who has been drawing inspiration from nature for her paintings. She believes that she can utilize her works to inform others about the harmful effects of human activities on the environment and the significance of protecting natural resources and animals. Also, in the past years, Elchin has received a letter of appreciation from the Japanese ambassador at the Tsunami Victim Support Exhibition. In addition, she received a certificate to participate in an exhibition in memory of all victims of chemical warfare, in 2017 in The Hague, Netherlands.

According to her, “nature in art can take many visual forms, from realism to abstraction. Perspective, Design, and Composition is Key. While art is a way to express our emotions and feelings. It can be used to communicate ideas and thoughts. Art has the power to change the way we see the world, awakening us to new ideas, and values. The freedom, peace and nature that we leave for future generations is very important. Therefore, we should be able to institutionalize these concepts in ourselves and others. I intend to do this through art.”

About her past, she started learning to draw portrait with pencil and painting nature with watercolor at the age of 7 to 10 with Mr. Sarbakhsh in a city of sunflowers, Khoy. Then she took the color theory and different techniques courses with Ms. Leila who was an expert and creative artist in Tehran. These days as a painter, she explores lines, forms and colors through her works of art that has the ability to awake imaginations. Because an image speaks a thousand words. Most importantly, recent days she aims to raise public awareness of environmental challenges and motivate people to take action to protect the environment.


survive Dance-with-me Blue-Umbrella simple-note
Peace Erfan hopeness Umbrellas-dance
upside-down Tree-of-life moonlight-dance Picaso-Guitar Statue-of-Liberty



“Elchin” is an autobiography that includes thirty-five years of the author’s life. The writer was born in a family that was interested in art. From the beginning of her childhood, she enthusiastically studied various books, including science, fiction and literature, and acquired a wealth of knowledge, and because of this, she developed a great interest in art and writing. Therefore, she decided to write her own biography. This book has seven chapters. Each chapter is known by its own name and color. One of the special points of the book is the coloring of each chapter of life, which the author has considered a special color for each person and each part of her life due to her strong imagination and artistic vision. The author has depicted all the experiences, emotions and social conditions that she has encountered in such a way that the reader feels every moment of it with all their heart.


Tehran, Iran
